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Are there any limitations to what Google Ads scripts can do?

Are there any limitations to what Google Ads scripts can do?

While Google Ads scripts are super handy, they do have some limitations. Let's look at what these limitations are:


Time Limits

Scripts need time to work their magic. Unfortunately, Google Ads scripts can only run for a certain amount of time before they stop. The time limit for a single script is 30 minutes. If the task isn't finished in that time, the script stops, which means you need to either split tasks into smaller scripts or make them more efficient. Read more about frequency limits here.

Data Restrictions

Imagine trying to count all the candies in a massive jar but only being able to count a few at a time. In the same way, Google Ads scripts have a limit on the amount of data they can process at one time. For example, a script can’t make changes to more than 50,000 entities (like ads or keywords) at the same time. This means that if a task contains a large amount of data, it might need to be broken down into smaller tasks.

Limited Interaction with External Platforms

Google Ads scripts can’t talk to every outside service or website. They mostly work within the Google universe. For example, they can interact with Google Sheets directly, but if you want the script to update a non-Google spreadsheet or another system, it can't be done directly using the script.

Debugging Challenges

Debugging is like proofreading to ensure everything is working correctly. In Google Ads scripts, debugging can be tricky. If there's a mistake in your script, finding and fixing it isn’t always straightforward since they have limited debugging tools.

Advanced Customization Limits

Google Ads scripts are great for basic automations, like changing bids or pausing ads. However, they may not be ideal for highly complex tasks that require advanced customization. This complexity limits what types of advanced tasks you can automate with a script.

Immediate Changes May Not Reflect

Some changes made by scripts aren’t immediate. It may take some time before the changes appear in the Google Ads interface. So, if you need to make changes that must be done immediately, scripts might not be the best choice.

No Visual Interface

When you work with scripts, there's no picture or visual graph to work with. It’s all about typing lines of code. This can make it harder for people who prefer visual learning or planning.

What Can Be Done About These Limitations?

Knowing the limitations is important, but what can you do about them? Here are some tips:

Plan and Test

It’s always a good idea to plan your scripts well. Think about what exactly your script should do and test it on smaller data sections first. This helps spot issues early on.

Divide and Conquer

If you are dealing with a lot of data, break down your tasks into smaller chunks and run multiple scripts. This will help you work within the data limitations and time constraints.

Use Google’s Built-in Tools

Whenever possible, use Google’s built-in tools like the Google Ads Interface, Google Sheets, or Google Analytics. These tools can accomplish many tasks without needing advanced scripts.

Learn Debugging

Spend some time learning how to debug your scripts. While it might seem boring, it can save time in the long run by helping spot and fix errors faster.

Leverage Other Automation Tools

If your task requires something very advanced, look for other automation tools or platforms that might be better suited for those tasks. Some paid tools might offer the advanced functionality you're looking for.

Align with Other Integrations

Try to align your scripts with other available integrations, like Google Analytics, that might already meet your needs.